czwartek, 4 czerwca 2009

Filmy Volkera Koeppa o Czerniowcach

HERR ZWILLING UND FRAU ZUCKERMANN told the story of the last two Jews born in Czernowitz. But not until we're well into the film do we learn that 100,000 of the city's Jews — or fully two-thirds — were killed by the Nazis. Those who survived the war then found themselves in the clutches of the Soviets.
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DIESES JAHR IN CZERNOWITZ (W tym roku w Czerniowcach) z Harvey Keitel w roli głównej. Film opowiadający o wizycie słynnego hollywoodzkiego aktora Harvey Keitel do miasta, z którego pochodzą jego rodzice – Czerniowiec, został nakręcony przez niemieckiego reżysera Volkera Koeppa. W Czerniowczach Harvey Keitel został bohaterem filmu dokumentalnego o przeszłości i teraźniejszości europejskiego miasta, w którym urodzili się jego rodzice.
This is the second of Volker Koepp’s documentaries to tell the personal stories of Czernowitz’s inhabitants. His 1999 documentary HERR ZWILLING AND FRAU ZUCKERMANN introduced us to the last two Jews who were born in Czernowitz and returned to live there after surviving WWII and the camps. Others survived WWII by emigrating to the far corners of the world, as did cellist Eduard Weissmann from Berlin, sisters Evelyne Mayer and Katja Rainer from Vienna, actor Harvey Keitel and writer Norman Manea from New York. In returning to their or their parent’s place of origin, which is now in the Ukraine, some experience an inexplicable nostalgia while at the same time recognizing that history continues to redraw borders and remix the population.
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